【同义词辨析】 2018-07-11 辩解apology-pretext

apology: usually applies to an expression of regret for a mistake or wrong with implied admission of guilt or fault and with OR without reference to extenuating circumstances: said by way of ~ that he would have met them if he could.

apologia: sometimes apology, implies not admission of guilt or regret but a desire to make clear the grounds for some course, belief, or position: the speech was an effective ~ for his foreign policy.

excuse: implies an intent to avoid or remove blame or censure: used his illness as an ~ for missing the meeting.

plea: stresses argument or appeal for understanding or sympathy or mercy: her usual ~ that she was nearsighted.

pretext: suggests subterfuge and the offering of false reasons or motives in excuse or explanation: used any ~ to get out of work. (subterfuge故意欺骗,如paltry ~ of an referendum公投这一小欺骗手段) (paltry小微不足道)

alibi: implies a desire to shift blame or evade punishment and imputes plausibility rather than truth to the explanation offered: his ~ failed to withstand scrutiny.

apology道歉: 为错误失误遗憾承认罪责过错,无论是否提到可使罪责减轻的情况(extenuatingcircumstances),apologia辩解: 不是承认过错,而是讲清某过程想法立场的根据,excuse开脱原谅: 希望免受责备谴责,plea请求: 强调为得到理解同情怜悯(understanding,sympathy,mercy) 而进行的论证请求(argument,appeal),pretext借口: 表示欺骗手段(subterfuge欺骗==deceit),为开脱解释给出虚假原因或目的,alibi也是借口: 希望转移责任逃脱惩罚,表示似是而非不真实(plausible有两个意思: 1似乎有道理2花言巧语,这里采用第2)

记忆方法:1)首字母AAEPPA: 3A2P1E==>ape类人猿似是而非的人<==似是而非的理由

          2)辩解的意思是解释或辩护mean matter offered in explanation or defense.